Now and then, my friends and the Facebook algorithm alert me of a new and exciting addition to the “Secret Menu” at Starbucks. I’m always a little fascinated when these posts show up. It’s not just the lurid colors and the silly names that draw me in. It’s the feeling that I’ve just been handed the elusive cipher that will unlock a new world of tasty ways to up my caffeine consumption.
And then I remember that this is ridiculous. With some creativity and a willingness to think outside the box, a frosty tie-dye-colored unicorn-themed beverage was always available to me.
We have choices, Moms! Not just at the coffee shop, but everywhere. Without realizing it, we let pop culture, our jobs, gender norms, and our family history dictate our life’s menu. All too often, that menu leaves us stressed, unfulfilled, and frustrated.
So, how do you access your secret menu and unlock a life free from the expectations set by Instagram, your boss, and your mother-in-law?
For me, like the amazing women in Cyndi’s Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit [pre-order], entrepreneurship was the answer. With my priorities clear in my heart and a newborn tucked into a sling, I launched and grew a business built on my values. That sleepy newborn is now a Pokémon-obsessed seven-year-old, and I’m still ordering off of the secret entrepreneurship menu.
When you open your copy of Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit, you’ll find the wisdom of numerous women who took similar journeys. But this is about you finding your path, so you will also find simple ideas, exercises, and frameworks to help you create a business that supports your family without sacrificing yourself. Yes, you.
Are you ready to start ordering from life’s secret menu? Just don’t order an Iced Horseshit Latte.
P.S., you don’t have to go it alone! At Acorn Mom, you can join a Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit reading group or course to help you stay on track. Plus, you’ll gain access to an exclusive community of like-minded moms. When you order Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit today, you’ll get FREE access to our reading group!